Thursday, April 18, 2019

Pirates of the Caribbean (Disneyland vs Magic Kingdom)

It's time for the ultimate pirate battle! Or at least, me answering the question of whether Anaheim or Orlando has the superior Pirates of the Caribbean ride. My very quick answer is...Anaheim! Disneyland wins easily over Magic Kingdom, and not just because the former has been my favorite ride since I was like 4. Orlando's just seems like a knock-off. A good one, but still not quite up to par.

My main reason is the opening of the ride. In Disneyland, you take a slow tour of the bayou with crickets chirping, banjos playing, and the Blue Bayou diners enjoying their meal (depending on what time you go). Then you're greeted by the talking skull before he sends you to your fate. In Magic Kingdom, you get on, meet the skull, and then are sent on the rest of the ride. There's no build up. It's like they're trying to get you on and off as quickly as possible. It's no wonder I look so puzzled in my ride photo.

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